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If you are looking to purchase piano related supplies and tools. May I recommend Piano

This is an interesting forum on everything piano.

If you have a need to travel to my shop in Lowell MA, here are directions in .pdf format.
This chart, a graph of temprature and relative humidity, will cross referance to give you the moisture content of wood. This is especially helpfull to the piano owner when determining a safe climate for their piano. Click on the link to the left to open a .pdf of the chart. You have a choice of using a larger .pdf or a smaller .jpg

Enviroment is critical as relates to tuning stability and long range health of our piano This instrument records daily temp and humidity over a long period of time. It plugs into your serial port on the computer and downloads for viewing.

This is only one example of so many available. Searching for "Temperatue Humidity Logger" will return hndreds of options. Choose the one bet suited for you.